Unique Methods and Exceptional Results
An executive coach, Susan’s methods of transformational change have positively impacted over 600 businesses in nearly two decades of working with leaders and their organizations. Through a Gift-Centered Approach, integrating mind and body practices, she has created dramatic turnarounds, cultural transformations, increased profitability, and helped executives live a more balanced and fulfilled life. A recognized expert with millennials, she was instrumental in taking a revolutionary method created by Tony LoRe, Founder and CEO of Youth Mentoring Connection, into the corporate world. Today this method is being used in over thirty countries because of its capacity to unite all generations through their gifts, passions, and purpose.
Transformational Services
What makes her techniques so effective and the most cutting–edge in her field , is her ability to combine and create powerful transformational methods from the wealth of knowledge, wisdom , and experience she has gained in over two decades of working with some of the finest teachers in her field, who were instrumental in her own transformational journey: Anthony Robbins, Ken Blanchard, Peter Drucker, Coach John Wooden, Max DePree, Richard Strozzi–Heckler, Wendy Palmer, Pema Chodron, and Jack Kornfield. Now you too can experience and create the kind of fulfilling life you deserve for yourself and the people you serve. Susan’s commitment to making a difference and the results she has achieved because of her dedication to other people’s life purpose will be one of the most rewarding journeys you will ever embark on.